

A coffee company rewards application.

A coffee company rewards application.


This project was created back in 2020 when I was taking my Level 5 Web and App Development course. For this project I was assigned to create designs for a eCommerce website and customer rewards app and complete a functioning prototype to showcase the workings of the application.

With the Application I also created a consultation and proposal document that included my brand designs and technical considerations to complete this project to the highest standard. These included a research report, competitive analysis report, user research findings and user experiece design.


For this project I began sketching a range of design by hand in my sketchbook. For this I used my gathered researched and inspiration using Pinterest and my social media sites and also using coffee chains that already had web application to see how their applications worked and displayed their features.

To create my wireframes, I used Figma as this allowed me to create low-fidelity and high fidelity wireframes of each page I was looking to design. Low-fidelity Wireframes included the most basic content and visuals and allow me to map out the look and concept design behind the interface and its screens. High-fidelity Wireframes are more complete representations of the end product I have in mind.

When prototyping I was able to add to my High-fidelity Wireframes by adding images in and began to develop the design of my screens. Once I was happy with my designs on every screen I prototyped my navigation, interactive images, hover transitions and call for action buttons.