Parent Tap

Parent Tap

An application designed to support parents.

An application designed to support parents.


My final year project aimed to address a pressing need within my community: providing support to new mothers, including my own sister, as they navigate the challenges of parenthood. Parent Tap is an application designed to serve as a comprehensive support system accessible via app stores. Its primary objective is to assist parents in tackling the complexities of parenthood by identifying common issues and offering practical solutions.

Parent Tap offers a safe and inclusive space for parents to seek guidance and share experiences. The application leverages user-provided data regarding their stage of parenting to tailor its resources accordingly. By analysing this information, Parent Tap identifies users' specific needs and delivers personalised recommendations, including nearby events, activities, and support options that align with their parenting journey.

The overarching goal of Parent Tap is to empower parents by equipping them with the tools and resources necessary to navigate parenthood confidently. It serves as a digital companion, offering support and guidance every step of the way.


In approaching the completion of this project, I employed a diverse range of tools, research methods, and time management strategies to refine my concept into a polished, professional-grade application during the prototyping phase.

First, I dedicated considerable effort to crafting a distinct brand identity using Adobe Illustrator. My aim was to strike a balance between a playful aesthetic that would resonate with parents and a design that exuded professionalism and trustworthiness. It was essential for the brand to appeal to parents without appearing overly childlike or resembling a children's app. The process of conceptualising and refining the brand identity was both enjoyable and rewarding, in the final design that I confidently integrated into mockups.

Additionally, I utilised Figma for wireframing and prototyping, leveraging its capabilities to bring my ideas to life. I designed individual pages, including features such as an event finder, journal, and supportive content pages, with the overarching goal of keeping parents engaged and invested in the application.